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Welcome to the world of astronomy

On this page, I will be posting various information about astronomy, like planetary information, meteor shower dates, and the like.  Feel free to download any information that I have on this page

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The Great Orion Nebula

One of the great splendors of our galaxy, stars are coming into being like our Sun did over 4.5 billions years

  The Solar System

Here at this portion of the page, you will find astronomy information on the solar system that I have gathered over the years (there will probably be updates as my information that I currently have becomes updated).  Have a look below : )

The Sun

Meteor Showers

Deep Space

Here is where you can find information about the stars, galaxies, nebulas, and other splendors of the universe

HABITATION ZONES OF STARS (given by their luminosity class)
These charts are approximations of the distance a planet needs to be from a star so life as we know it can exist on it

Ia Supergiants
Ib Supergiants
II Giants
III Giants
IV Subgiants
V Main Sequence Stars

Messier Objects
These are deep space objects (such as galaxies, nebulas, and so on) that have been gathered into a list. Take a look :)

Messier List

26 Brightest Stars
26 Closest Stars

Constellation List

Above View of the Milky Way

Links to Other Sites

Here are some links to other astronomy sites that I have visited:

Astronomy Programs
More Astronomy Programs
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Online Astronomy Programs
Astronomy Links
More Astronomy Links
Various Astronomy Links
Ten Cool Astronomy Sites
Timeline of the Universe
List of Astronauts (suggested by a friend of mine)

This is a perfect example of a spiral galaxy, seen from above.  This galaxy is very similar to our own

M-45 The Pleiades

Located in the constellation of Taurus, these young stars have started their journey in the galaxy.  What little remains of their nebulous nursery still lingers around the stars


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