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Welcome to the RPG section of my homepage

Here you will find a variety of RPGs and RPG related stuff, ranging from character sheets, to new prestige classes, to links to other sites that deal with RPGs


Here you can find my web pages about the various RPGs that I have played over the years

Dungeons & Dragons Page
Rifts Page
Robotech Page
Star Trek Page
Star Wars Page
Transformers Page
World of Warcraft

Transformers: Autobots vs Decepticons

  RPG Sites

Here are a couple sites that I either created or friend's created that deal with RPGs

Total RPG Yahoo Group
Total Star Wars RPG Yahoo Group
World of Warcraft d20 Yahoo Group
Robotech d20 Yahoo Group


  Possible d20 RPGs I'm either working on or thinking about

Currently working on a World of Warcraft d20, based on the online game.  There are a few things I think they need to fix in the old Warcraft d20 game


Have a d20 version of Star Trek, though it needs massive revisements to make it work.  Will have to break it up into different areas (Original Series, Next Generation, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise)

Have a Robotech D20 in the trial stages right now.  Trying to find all the bugs and make sure it all works like its supposed to

Also found a Final Fantasy VII d20 RPG that I had worked on several years ago, then put on the back-burner (suprising what you'll find when you go through all your folders).  Did a few fixes, did a trial run with friends, then fixes the bugs there.  Will trial run again hopefully within the next month




Thanks for stopping by and hope you'll come back soon :)